Goodbye Nanna

"Nanna O'Brien"
16th February 1918 - 17th November 2011

My Great Grandmother on my fathers side - passed away on the 17th November, aged 93 Years and 9 Months.  Yesterday I, along with my Grandfather and loads of family, friends and former colleagues, attended her funeral service.  I shed many tears while remembering what an amazing part of my childhood she had been.  Though I had lost touch with her in recent years, she was in my thoughts often.  May she now have eternal rest with her loving husband.  I am not sad for her - she lived a long and amazing life.  I am only sad for myself, my family and her devoted frineds, who will miss her kindness, loyalty and warmth.

Always loved, Never forgotten, Forever in my Heart.  Goodbye Nanna.

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1 Response
  1. Laura Says:

    What a beautiful post!
    We lost an uncle in October, and I am still so sad for my Aunty.

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