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A long time between posts again, but I've been busy - I promise!!
Since my last post:
The lovely Andrea from Southern Tas Pilates made a trip to the North of the state in July, and I was lucky enough to get a spot in both the Pilates Mat Class and the Rider Wellbeing Class. I learned a few things I didn't know about my body, and some techniques to deal with everyday 'problems'. I also learned a lot about my posture and riding position, and the change in the ease of riding was almost instant!!
Later that weekend, I took a trip with Merry to visit a lovely old Thoroughbred named Gypsy. Despite the freezing, howling wind, my tired, nervous body, and the slippery ground, she walked slowly around the roundyard with me on her bare back, in nothing but a rope halter. From those first few moments, I know she and I would become friends. So, the next day, Merry and I drove out with the float to pick Gypsy up, who called to me as I walked to her paddock to take her away from her friends and her son.
And so begins the story of Gypsy and I! It's been almost a month now, and we have had a couple of short rides together, and are developing a great understanding. She is kind, gentle and willing, and I know we will have a lot of fun together.
One of my new workmates - Amelia - is also a Horsey person, and was kind enough to invite me to the Tasmanian High Country Rider's Assoc. ride at Kimberley last month. I rode her lovely 23-year-old boy Bundy and had a hell of a lot of fun! Some of the downhill sections scared the pants off me, and I was sure I was coming off more than once. But I didn't!! Can't wait to do it again sometime.
Well, I'm still there!! Not much more to say aside from I am lucky to be working with a great group of thoughtful and supportive staff. I'm still enjoying it, and leave every work-day with a smile. It makes me laugh, makes me cry, but most of all it makes me feel whole.
Road Trip!
Had a bit of a trip to Hobart last weekend to catch up with friends and family, especially Emma & Charles Gregory and their spawn(!) to celebrate the impending birth of their third child!
One of the things attendees to the 'Blessingway' were asked to do was to knit or crochet a square to be added into a blanket for the baby. I haven't knitted in years as it hurts my wrists, and have never learned to crochet, so that's what I did this week! After only a few attempts, I managed to create a pretty square-ish looking patch to become part of the babys blanket. Proud of myself!
I also managed to do a bit of shopping while down there. But only a tiny bit, I promise!
I'm still teaching my beginners group at training - only one more lesson next weekend, then the following week is their assesment!! I'm really proud of the progress they have all made, and while I would like to think that it is due to my guidance, I would be more realistic to attribute it to each person and family's dedication to their dog.
Well, enough rambling for now... I'll try and write again soon!!
Since my last post:
- More riding lessons
- Pilates and Rider Wellbeing
- Got my Own Horse!
- Teaching my Beginners Group
- BIG Trail Ride!
- Trip to Hobart
- Work, Work, Work...
The lovely Andrea from Southern Tas Pilates made a trip to the North of the state in July, and I was lucky enough to get a spot in both the Pilates Mat Class and the Rider Wellbeing Class. I learned a few things I didn't know about my body, and some techniques to deal with everyday 'problems'. I also learned a lot about my posture and riding position, and the change in the ease of riding was almost instant!!
Later that weekend, I took a trip with Merry to visit a lovely old Thoroughbred named Gypsy. Despite the freezing, howling wind, my tired, nervous body, and the slippery ground, she walked slowly around the roundyard with me on her bare back, in nothing but a rope halter. From those first few moments, I know she and I would become friends. So, the next day, Merry and I drove out with the float to pick Gypsy up, who called to me as I walked to her paddock to take her away from her friends and her son.
And so begins the story of Gypsy and I! It's been almost a month now, and we have had a couple of short rides together, and are developing a great understanding. She is kind, gentle and willing, and I know we will have a lot of fun together.
One of my new workmates - Amelia - is also a Horsey person, and was kind enough to invite me to the Tasmanian High Country Rider's Assoc. ride at Kimberley last month. I rode her lovely 23-year-old boy Bundy and had a hell of a lot of fun! Some of the downhill sections scared the pants off me, and I was sure I was coming off more than once. But I didn't!! Can't wait to do it again sometime.
Well, I'm still there!! Not much more to say aside from I am lucky to be working with a great group of thoughtful and supportive staff. I'm still enjoying it, and leave every work-day with a smile. It makes me laugh, makes me cry, but most of all it makes me feel whole.
Road Trip!
Had a bit of a trip to Hobart last weekend to catch up with friends and family, especially Emma & Charles Gregory and their spawn(!) to celebrate the impending birth of their third child!
One of the things attendees to the 'Blessingway' were asked to do was to knit or crochet a square to be added into a blanket for the baby. I haven't knitted in years as it hurts my wrists, and have never learned to crochet, so that's what I did this week! After only a few attempts, I managed to create a pretty square-ish looking patch to become part of the babys blanket. Proud of myself!
I also managed to do a bit of shopping while down there. But only a tiny bit, I promise!
I'm still teaching my beginners group at training - only one more lesson next weekend, then the following week is their assesment!! I'm really proud of the progress they have all made, and while I would like to think that it is due to my guidance, I would be more realistic to attribute it to each person and family's dedication to their dog.
Well, enough rambling for now... I'll try and write again soon!!

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