I had the most wonderful day at dog training with Abby on Sunday!! She has improved so much, I'm very proud of her. Feeling a lot better about myself too after a pretty difficult training session the week before. On Tuesday I took Miss Abby to the vet for her annual check-up and vaccinations, and she sat in the waiting room with other dogs! I was so proud!

I have decided that after one more dedicated training weekend with Abby, I'm going to start taking Harry as well, and start him in Grade 1 (after Abby's session is over). This will give him some more interaction with other people and dogs, an outlet for his doggy intelligence, and give me something much more relaxing to do while Abby is chilling out in the car after her session.

Sunday afternoon Broc and I, along with Dan and Anita went on a little road trip up to Greens Beach, then through into West Head and the headland area of Narawntapu National Park. We spent a couple hours trekking around on the cliffs, in the bush and on the beach and let me say, what a stunning area it is!! I'd love to go back again when there's a couple more hours of sunlight and do the whole walk. The amount of critters on the rocky section of the beach was just amazing. Hundreds and hundreds of snails!! Broc and Dan found a dead shark, very smelly but pretty cool looking. I took some pictures, which I'll put up on facebook sometime over the weekend.

I've been getting out walking with my big boy a lot more, and I feel much better for it. I've been aiming to get out for a fairly decent walk every second day, but I try to do something reasonably physical on the days I'm not walking. For example, yesterday afternoon I spent two hours trimming trees and shovelling dirt at a friends house while Broc cleaned out their guttering. I managed to make a large section of their driveway a foot wider on either side by clearing off the dirt, tree bits, grass and mulch that had accumulated there in the last seven years thanks to some sub-standard maintenance by their tenants.

I actually a Saturday off! This weekend, it has been 10 years that Broc and I have been together. We plan on going out for a movie tonight, and just generally spending some time together doing stuff, as we so seldom get to do. It's lovely to think that we've spent so much time together and can still appreciate each others company. We've grown a lot together over these years and shared so much. I can't imagine my life without him, and look forward to spending many more years together.

I Love you Broc!

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